The Conspiracy Show with Richard Syrett is a half-hour, documentary television program produced by Film One Media in Canada. The series aired for four seasons (50 episodes) across Canada on Vision TV from 2011-2016. The show has also aired in the United States, Europe, Australia, Africa and Europe.
Does a deep shaft on Nova Scotia’s fabled Oak Island contain the lost treasure of the Knight’s Templar? Could LBJ have masterminded the assassination of JFK? Is a cure for cancer being suppressed? Has Mother Nature been drafted by the military for nefarious purposes? Were a special unit of psychic spies trained to transcend time and space?
Were recent devastating earthquakes actually man made? Is the legendary front man for The Doors alive and well and living in the American northwest? Was fluoride put in the water supply to pacify and dumb down the general population?
A quick look on the internet proves that not only do people believe these theories to be true, but the believers are increasingly mainstream – ordinary people who believe the improbable is true and the impossible is reality. The Conspiracy Show with Richard Syrett explores these conspiracy theories in a fast paced half-hour format interview show featuring interviews with some of the world’s preeminent researchers, independent thinkers, skeptics and authors.
Syrett takes us beyond the pages of the New York Times best seller’s list for an alternative view of the world. He engages the audience by challenging them with new interpretations of the commonplace through the experience of conspiracy theorists. Compelling, controversial and thought provoking: The Conspiracy Show with Richard Syrett redefines reality.
Does a deep shaft on Nova Scotia’s fabled Oak Island contain the lost treasure of the Knight’s Templar? Could LBJ have masterminded the assassination of JFK? Is a cure for cancer being suppressed? Has Mother Nature been drafted by the military for nefarious purposes? Were a special unit of psychic spies trained to transcend time and space?
Were recent devastating earthquakes actually man made? Is the legendary front man for The Doors alive and well and living in the American northwest? Was fluoride put in the water supply to pacify and dumb down the general population?
A quick look on the internet proves that not only do people believe these theories to be true, but the believers are increasingly mainstream – ordinary people who believe the improbable is true and the impossible is reality. The Conspiracy Show with Richard Syrett explores these conspiracy theories in a fast paced half-hour format interview show featuring interviews with some of the world’s preeminent researchers, independent thinkers, skeptics and authors.
Syrett takes us beyond the pages of the New York Times best seller’s list for an alternative view of the world. He engages the audience by challenging them with new interpretations of the commonplace through the experience of conspiracy theorists. Compelling, controversial and thought provoking: The Conspiracy Show with Richard Syrett redefines reality.
Richard Syrett serves as Host, Creator, and Writer of The Conspiracy Show with Richard Syrett. His weekly syndicated radio program, also called The Conspiracy Show, airs out of Toronto on Zoomer Radio (AM 740 and 96.7 FM) Sunday nights at 11pm. He is also a regular guest-host on Coast to Coast AM, the most popular late-night radio program in the world. Jalal Merhi is the Producer/Director of The Conspiracy Show with Richard Syrett. Jalal is recognized worldwide as a premiere action-film producer / director after successfully delivering over 20 films worldwide within a decade, and numerous short film projects. Born in Brazil to Lebanese parents, Jalal emigrated to Canada to study and eventually built an extension of his family jewelry business, keeping his sport of competitive martial arts on the side, also keeping his eye on his true love: filmmaking. He is president of Film One Media. Ron Craig serves as producer/co-producer for the series. Ron is an experienced Special Effects Supervisor with over 25 years experience in the TV, film and media industry. He has worked on over 50 feature films and 14 TV series. Ron has worked with Academy Award winning actors, Academy Award winning cinematographers and award winning directors. Linda Zhou serves as co-producer for the series. Before her move to Canada from her native China, Linda served as the general manager of a state operated import/export company. Linda currently serves as the Director Vice President of Chinese Culture TV of Canada (CCCTV). |
Film One is recognized worldwide as a premiere Canadian film producer after successfully delivering over 20 films worldwide and over 100 TV episides, and numerous short film projects. The company’s management team has had relationships with Universal Studios, Lions Gate Films, Alliance Atlantic, ThinKFilm, FOX, ZoomerMedia, Destination America (Discovery) and others to achive higher returns on investment.